Marina Towers Co ndo Association
Marina Towers Co ndo Association



Marina Towers Condo Association 300 North State Street Chicago, IL 60654
MTCA MANAGEMEN T OFFICE Hours: 9am- 6pm, Mon -Fri Phon e: 312 -644- 1187 Fax 312 -644- 1831 E-Mail : marinat Na me Position Exten sion
M anagement Offic e ………………………………………. East Tow e r Security ……………………………………… West Tow er Security …………………………………... Receiving Roo m Attend ant ………………………………. Mavis Mather….………Prope rty Manager…….………. Melisha Hicks…………. Asst. P roper ty Manage r... ……. Sandra Magdaleno …….Bookkeeper... ………………….. John Janiec…………….Oper ation s M anager... …....…...
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Marina Towers Co ndo Association
Marina Towers Co ndo Association
To request a work order please click on the following link : Only owners are allowed to enter work orders, if you do not have a login you must create one. If you need to speak to someone about your request please call the office at 312-644-1187.